Sunday 19 February 2012

Poor Nemo

After the diarrhea, Nemo yet to across another problem. pity that little guy. His fur seems to fall drastically. He looks like a local breed now. His hair loss started last 2 weeks after we changed his food. We started giving him royal canin as a change to blackwood. He seemed happier and more active after eating royal canin. It was a blessed at first when they finished their meals ( licin!)  and asked for more! THAT never happened before! they made the food looked so tasty. ( aku try kangg!!) . 

But after a week.. NEMO's fur started to lose. LEO is alright. he's okay with any food ( even when he ate my nasi  goreng ).  We were worried and went to see the Vet. Somehow, she said its seasonal as persian normally has a season where their fur will fall but they'll recover and regrow after several months. ( Btol??) The vet gave nemo omega 3 and vitamins. 

I'm still worried but I really hope that its just seasonal and wish that his fur will grow back.
He's so togel now. dahla badan kecik..